Sunday, 14 October 2012

Karenni to open liaison offices to monitor cease-fire agreement

Karenni National Progressive Party and the government will open official liaison offices in three different main locations in Karenni State in the end of this month to monitor cease-fire agreement while each party is trying to make peace dialogue.
A liaison office has opened in Loikaw, the capital city of Karenni State in July 25 and another two offices expected to open in Shar Daw and Par Saung Township at the end of this July according to a member of KNPP central committee Khu Denial.  
liaison office opening ceremony in Karenni State, Loikaw (photo-KnIC)
“The reason opening liaison office is how to build the truth and better relationship between each party. The office is to monitor cease-fire agreement while trying to build peace” he said.

A KNPP central committee member and also spoke person for liaison office Khu Denial said “It is important to implement how should each party to maintain the peace process and each party to inform the movement of each troop”
After meeting a state level peace talk in March and a country level talk in last May, KNPP and government have reach 14 points agreement which is mainly about to stop fighting between KNPP army and the government troop.
Even though both parties have reached 14 agreements, there is not yet agreement for military affair which is important for further peace talk according to Gen Aung Myart, second top leader of Karenni Army.
“What the peace talk agreements between the government and KNPP is different from what is really happening on the ground. Now government extends their troops at Mawchi areas.” Said Gen Aung Myart.
Kayah State prime minister and government ministers, religious leaders, culture group, cease-fire groups and about 100 residents have attend the opening ceremony of Loikaw liaison office.

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